高频开关电源通用技术规格General technical specifications of high frequency switching power supply
一、电源型式 Power Types
1,电源类型 Power types:高频开关电源 High-frequency Switching Power Supply
2,型号规格 Model and specifications:根据输出电流电压而定 Depends on output current and voltage
3,冷却方式 Cooling mode:水冷/风冷 Water Cooling/air cooling
4,开关管类型 Switch tube type:IGBT,
5,整流类型 Rectifier type:二极管整流 Diode rectification
二、输入特性Input Characteristics
1,额定输入电压 Rated Input Voltage:三相交流电380V Three-phase,AC380V±10% ,50HZ
2,额定输入功率 Rated Input Power:电流*电压 Current*Voltage
3,额定输入电流 Rated Input Current:电流*电压*1.8 Current*Voltage*1.8
4,额定输入功率因数 Input Power Factor:COSΦ≥0.95
5,电源开关 Circuit breaker:3P根据输出功率选型 3P Selection according to output power
三、输出特性Output Characteristics
1,输出电压 Output Voltage:直流0-额定电压 DC 0-rated voltage
2,输出电流 Output Current:直流0-额定电流 DC 0-rated current
3,稳流精度 Stabilized Current Precision:≤1%(Rated Current)
4,稳压精度 Stabilized Voltage Precision:≤1%
5,显示精度 According to accuracy:1A,0.01V
6,电流纹波系数 Current ripple factor:≤6% or ≤3%(I≥50%Id)(Id: Rated Current)
7,额定转换效率 Rated Output:η≥90%
四、环境条件Environmental Conditions
1,安装场所 Installation site:室内安装 Indoor installations
2,海拔高度 Altitude:≤2000米
3,环境温度 Ambient temperature:-20℃~45℃
4,相对温度 Relative humidity:≤90%
5,粉尘气体 Dust gas:无影响 No influence
五、控制方式Control Mode
1,操作方式 Operating mode:触摸屏控制 Touch screen control
2,显示方式 Display mode:数字显示 Digital display
3,调节方式 Accommodation mode:数字调节 Digital Regulation
4,软启动 Soft start:有 Yes
5,远程通讯Remote Communication:RS485 Communication interface
六、水况要求Requirement about water condition
1,进水水温(℃)Water temperature (℃):进水水温:≤35℃ ,为防止形成冷凝水,不低于环境温度5℃ Inlet water temperature: 25~35℃,Note In order to prevent the formation of condensation water, the water temperature is the best around 28 ℃ (and the environment temperature is not more than 5 ℃)
2,水压(MP)Water pressure (MP):进出水压差>0.1MP,较高进水水压≤0.4 MP The difference between the inlet pressure and the outlet pressure > 0.1MP; the maximum inlet pressure ≤0.4MP.
3,PH值PH value:6~8
4,电导率(us/cm)Conductivity (us/cm):≤50us/cm 软水/去离子水 ≤50us/cmSoft water/deionized water
5,水量(吨/时)Water volume (ton/hour):约4.34吨/时 About 4.34ton/hour
七、电源组成Power Unit
1,电源组成 Power Unit:根据客户现场具体情况进行定制设计 Customized design according to the specific situation of the customer's site
八、结构模式Main Body Structure
1,结构模式Main Body Structure:立式组合机柜结构 Structure of vertical combined cabinet
1,净重 Net weight:根据整体输出功率而定 Depends on overall output power
十、 外形尺寸External Dimension
1,高*宽*深 Height*Width*Depth:根据客户现场具体情况进行定制设计 Customized design according to the specific situation of the customer's site(The actual value is subject to the agreement)
十一、输入电缆Input Cable
1,铜线 Copper wire:3根根据整体输出功率而定 Depends on overall output power
十二、输出电气连接Output Electrical Connections
1,Made of Cu:Made of Cu
十三、保护特性Protection Characteristics
1,具有过压欠压、过流、缺相、短路、过热等非正常情况下的自我保护功能 Self-protective function under the abnormal situations such as over/Low-voltage, over-current, default phase,short circuit, overheating and so on
十四、其他特性Other Characteristics
1,绝缘等级 Insulation class:B级 B level
2,防护等级Protection class:IP42(Unit module)
3,噪声 Noise:≤50dB
4,运行状况 Operational State:产品可连续满负载运行 Operational State Products can be continuously full-load operated